Energise Your

Mind & Body

With five mineral’s and 13 botanicals. Matol-Km has been shown to deliver considerable health benefits. Including maintanence of energy levels. maintenance of healthy blood pressure, circulation, heart and nerve cell function and support of the immune system. 

About Us

The Legacy of Karl Jurak.

As a young man growing up in the mountains of Austria, agrobiologist Karl Jurak dreamed of tapping into the secrets of the natural world of plants. Using a combination of careful research and observation, this dream became a reality with the discovery of the matol formula in 1922.

Karl’s initial aim was to create a tonic that would enhance his own stamina and endurance. Experiencing the benefits of Matol himself, he began providing the formula to his family, friends and colleagues who also experienced the wonderful health gains it could bring. Finally, in 1984, this amazing product was commercially introduced for the first time and became known throughout the world as matol-Km® and now today simply as km®

For a lifetime this product has helped my family and friends. Given time, I have never seen this product fail once in helping so some good for the people using it” Karl Jurak, Creator of Matol 1904 – 1993

Health Canada approved NPN (Natural Product Number): 881260

13 Herbal Extracts in km®

Thirteen herbal elements joined at the molecular level form a synergistic bond
which make the matol® km® product unique and unrivalled.


Ancients revered Alfalfa as the “King of Plants.” One of nature’s most complete foods.

Alfalfa is an excellent source of easily assimilated vitamins and minerals. Because its roots grow to a depth of 6-15 metres, Alfalfa contains 14 of the 16 principle mineral elements and all known vitamins, but is especially rich in some amino acids and vitamins A,D and K, and iron.


Throughout the centuries of use. Angelica came to be regarded as a holy plant and was widely known as “the root of the Gods.”

Laplanders chewed this root regularly. The root and seed are rich in essential oils, calcium, vitamin E and vitamin B-12, which is rare in vegetation.


Native to the British Isles, and found in most places, Celery Seed has been in use for centuries from central Europe to the East Indies and in South America. Celery Seed contains a group of useful organic compounds called phthalides. Celery Seed contains vitamins A, B and C, and iron. 


Personal Experiences


Although no medical claims are made customers with low energy and skin problems report
noticeable results; a customer with psoriasis writes “I have been using matol-km for a month
now and the Psoriasis on my skin has cleared. matol-km has increased my energy levels too

– I’ve ordered another supply.”

Ms D Hill, Notts. UK

Recovering Quicker


“After taking matol-km for a week and not noticing any changes, I decided to try it for
another week before returning my bottle and asking for a refund. After the two weeks was up, I noticed my training was improving. After hard training sessions I noticed I was recovering quicker and training better on the following days. I also found that I was sleeping soundly and although tired some days I was still able to train hard.”

– I would recommend the use of matol-km to anyone with a busy lifestyle and wants to train and race competitively.

Personal Experiences


Legs and Feet began to Feel Warmer

“Six years ago, I was diagnosed diabetic type 2. One day after talking about my problems, my friend left a bottle on the bench asking me to try it. Nothing happened with the first bottle and I was going to give it up she said, ‘No take  another’. About halfway through, things started to happen. Firstly, my energy level  increased, and I was back mowing lawns with the push mower. After a couple of weeks my  legs and feet began to feel warmer, muscles were toning up and I started walking for an hour  at a time. So, ever since then I take matol-km regularly because I don’t wish to go back to the  way I felt.”  

Gary Logan. Lower Hutt NZ


I Feel Like a New Person

“I have suffered from bad circulation of the blood with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis  for approx. 30 years. I could hardly believe the results I had in a short time. Within a few days of taking matol-km  I experienced a higher energy level which I found great. I was no longer experiencing the  dreadful agony in my left leg as I usually did. The pain I was experiencing with my arthritis  had been waking me through the night, this no longer happens. I have been doing so much  more since I haven’t had my arthritis, I feel like a new person.” 

Migraines no More

” For six weeks I had re-occurring migraine that was driving me blindly wild. Massage was  helping but the stress related effects on my body was definitely too much. I took 15mls of  matol-km that did not taste good at all but, within 45 minutes the pain and the abnormal  vision was gone. The next few days saw the stress factors reduce considerably and my skin  and energy levels improved. matol-km tastes a whole lot better now.”  

Dean. Wellington NZ

I want to continue taking it

“I have taken a bottle of matol-km and am very pleased with the results. I have severe arthritis  and in constant pain. After a few days on matol-km I felt an improvement. After about a month on it I had to stop taking it for a week due to a drug I had to take (I  wasn’t sure if it had ingredients, I wasn’t to have in it) and I really felt miserable again. I feel it is a great product and I want to continue to take it. 

The fact that it is a natural product is a big thing too.”

Beryl Nicol. Stoke, Nelson NZ


NZ Rugby League Team

“The New Zealand Rugby League Team used matol during the 1993 Four Test Tour of Great Britain and France. Many members of the team found it to be very beneficial. It is best mixed  with other drinks because of its strong taste. Members of the team were also drug tested by the Great Britain Sports Testing Agency, and  matol did not result in any interference with urine drug testing results.”

Dr Wayne Morris – The Gardens Medical & Sports Medicine Centre. Dunedin NZ 29 November 1993

Km® is different

“I’ve seen hundreds of supplements…But Km® is different.” 

“In my line of work, I hear about new food supplements almost daily. In fact, I even own a  company that manufactures supplements for athletes in training. But after trying the product,  I know I can’t duplicate the unique benefits of Km®.” 

“Because of my personal experience with the product, I’m recommending km® to the  thousands of coaches and athletes that I’m in contact with throughout North America. Km® is great!” 

Dr Greg Shepard, Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Utah Jazz

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